How much traffic do you need before you start advertising?

This is a part of the “Getting Started with Blog Advertising” blog series.

A typical question regarding advertising is:

How much traffic do I need to start advertising on my blog?

There are a number of different views on this topic but I’ve found this to be a great starting point, especially for those bloggers who are just starting out. I have personally used this particular strategy

Remember Unique Visitors is NOT the same as Page views!

250 Unique Visitors per Day

I recommend start advertising on your blog when you are averaging at least 250 unique visitors per day. That equates to approximately 7,500 unique visitors per month
Here are 10 reasons why I suggest this number:
  1. I’ve already stated that I recommend people to wait to advertise until they’ve established a constant stream of traffic and have gained the trust of their consistent audience. Review this post here for more details.
  2. The fact that you have 250 unique visitors per day means that your content is good enough for readers to keep returning for more of your amazing thoughts/ideas. Trust, therefore, has been established.
  3. This means that you are beginning to get “organic” traffic from search engines. Organic traffic nearly always converts better which most simply means that your advertising will be more effective.
  4. With 250 unique visitors a day you now a better idea who your audience is and what types of content that they are interested in. The community and culture is being refined.
  5. You have created expectation from your readers (and the search engines).
  6. You will have been consistent with your writing and have a good grasp on what it takes to develop content day-in and day-out.  
  7. With nearly 7,500 unique visitors a month you are beginning to be a very competitive player in the advertising space and you are more attractive than most new blogs out there. Don’t forget that with 7,500 unique visitors this will translate to even higher pageviews and advertisement impressions!  
  8. You are committed to your blog and your craft and advertisers can expect returns and know that you won’t bail out on them, or simply disappear from the Blog-O-Sphere
  9.  Luck is no longer a part of your traffic equation and your Facebook, Twitter, or other social networks are not doing most of the work for you. Your traffic is coming from the other sources, such as RSS subscribers, newsletters, trackbacks/linkbacks, referrals and email subscriptions.
  10.  And finally, with 250 unique visitors a day you have readers who will purchase your products and click your advertisements! Your efforts have paid off.
These 10 reasons can help you strategize your approach and set your timing to start advertising. If you’re not getting anywhere near to 250 unique visitors per day then why don’t you spend the time, energy, and focus on developing great content and cultivating your community! It is so worth investing in your blog if you want to make it successful.
How Long Will It Take Me to Get to 250 Unique Visitors per Day?
Gosh, how long is a piece of string?  It is amazingly hard to estimate. If a blogger:
  1. Commits to blogging at least 3 times a week
  2. Averages 250-500 words per post 
  3. Controls Twitter and Facebook strategically 
  4. Focuses their content 
  5. Spends time responding to comments, commenting on other blogs and generating feedback 
  6. Cultivates their community well 
  7. Refines their brand and messaging
There is no reason why 250 unique visitors cannot be achieved by the end of the first 6 months. Sometimes it is achieve faster sometimes much slower
If you’re not achieving at least 250 unique visitors by the end of the first calendar year then there is something definitely wrong with how you’re executing on your content, strategy, and brand. Time to have a rethink.

This is a part of the “Getting Started with Blog Advertising” blog series.
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