Create a Simple Privacy Policy for Your Blog {Example Included}

This is a part of the “Getting Started with Blog Advertising” blog series.
If you are looking into monetarizing your Blog, you will want to cover yourself legally from all of the possible angles that may impact you. For instance you’ll want to make sure that you have a Disclosure Policy that covers your rights as a blogger and advertiser to your readers.
As well as a Disclosure Policy you’ll also need a Privacy Policy that covers your use of cookies and log files that your blog is using to capture information from your users to customize their advertising experience.
Why is this important? It shoes your readers what you are doing with your reader’s information. Personally, I think by having one it shows your audience that you care about them and their information they give you.
It is important to note, that many third party advertisers do require that you have a Privacy Policy that clearly outlines and explains what information that you (and they) collect and how it will used on your blog.
Here are two popular services that require you to have one:
Google Adsense
Did you know that Google Adsense requires you to have an active Privacy Policy that states your use of their system?
This is one of the most frequently overlooked requirements when using Google Adsense and it’s been alleged that more than a few prominent blogs have had their account cancelled due to the fact that they simply forgot (or didn’t read the fine print) have a Privacy Policy.
It’s not worth losing all that advertising revenue simply because you somehow overlooked it Google makes it quite simple and has outlined explicitly what is required of you:
Third party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on a user’s prior visits to your website.
Amazon Affiliates
Amazon is another very popular service that requires you to fully disclose your use of their service on your blog.
Other Third Party Services
It is amazing how many other third party advertising, affiliate, and ad-serving systems out there that it isn’t thinkable to list them all out but the point is: If you’re selling advertisements or using affiliate programs to monetize your blog you’ll need to create a Privacy Policy that is accurate, updated, and readily available to your readers.
So next thing you need to do is to create a Privacy Policy.
A Simple Privacy Policy Sample
The most simple Privacy Policy out there is this one:
This blog does not share personal information with third parties nor do we store any information about your visit to this blog other than to analyze and optimize your content and reading experience through the use of cookies.
You can turn off the use of cookies at anytime by changing your specific browser settings.
We are not responsible for republished content from this blog on other blogs or websites without our permission.
This privacy policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated on Month, Day, Year. If you have any questions feel free to contact me directly here:
Feel free to use this sample, and adapt it to your needs, but make sure that your Privacy Policy includes: contact details, when it was updated last, and the word Cookie.
Good luck and have fun advertising and monetizing your blog!
This is a part of the “Getting Started with Blog Advertising” blog series.

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