55 ways to market your business on Pinterest from Beginner to Professional

This is part of the Marketing your business on Pinterest series

Pinterest is a social networking site which allows users to create online image collages, then quickly and easily share those collages — called “pinboards” — with other Pinterest users. It’s fun, easy, and catching on like wildfire right now.

Part of Pinterest’s appeal is that it’s beautiful. Due to being image-based, the core of Pinterest is awesomely positive. It has been liked to “Facebook without the whining”.

Pinterest is lovely and its users love it. But don’t let all the images of beautifully photographed rooms fool you. Behind those attractive images, Pinterest is fast becoming a very powerful marketing tool for brands and businesses … just like yours.

Let’s take a quick look at why this is, and then we’ll get into 55 Pinteresting tactics you can use to your own marketing advantage.

What is Pinterest and why should I care?

Once you’ve got a Pinterest account, you can create online “Pin boards” for different topics you’re interested in, and then add images and videos to your boards by “pinning” them.

Pinterest has nearly five million users, and is rapidly growing. Nearly 1.5 million unique users visit Pinterest daily, spending an average of 15 minutes a day on the site. So think about all of those inspiring vision boards and all that referral traffic to websites and blogs.

Pinterest is a beautiful (and effective) content marketing tool

Pinterest is not only picking up steam in social media circles, it has become a proven source of traffic for blogs and websites, quickly surpassing current favourites like LinkedIn and YouTube.

While lots of folks are chatting about the impressive statistics of Pinterest, some businesses are quietly using this fabulous tool to pin their way better customer engagement and a visually motivating appealing brand.

I recommend that you take a look at Pinterest and use it as part of your content marketing plan.

Here are 55 powerful ways to incorporate Pinterest into your content marketing mix.

20 Ways to Market Your Business on Pinterest – For Beginners

16 ways to Market Your Business on Pinterest - for Professional Pinners

Have you been using Pinterest as a marketing tool? Let us know in the comments …

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