DIY Milk Paint Recipe

After the outstanding results I received with the DIY CHALK PAINT, if you read my sideboard, rocking chair or toy chest posts, you will have seen the amazing results that the chalk paint made.

So this time  i thought i would test out a milk paint recipe

What you need:
  • 4 parts milk powder
  • 1 part bicarbonate of soda
  • 1 part pigment
  • 6 parts cold water
  • Patience 

The method is pretty simply. All you need to do is mix the milk, bicarbonate of soda and pigment powders together then add the water and stir well.

Leave the paint to sit for 1 hour then stir again and paint. (I know, i know you probably will want to get painting you project, but if you can wait – you will get better outcomes - try watching an episode of  Once Upon a Time... oh lord, my sister and i are addicted)

The milk paint dries quickly so once you’ve started using it and be careful not go back over areas, as you can wipe the paint back off.

Even though it is touch dry in about 15 mins, if you’re painting on extra coats make sure you let the paint dry fully, ideally overnight, as again the paint will come off if it’s not properly cured. (Once again, patience or another three episodes of your favourite series will pay off).


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