77 Ways to get more traffic to your blog for FREE

When it comes to traffic generating, many bloggers tend to get stuck in a comfortable rut. Bloggers frequently use a nominal number of preferred methods and rarely venture outside them. By using a broader range of techniques, you'll entice new visitors from new places.

You undoubtedly won't use every single technique here. So choose the ones which best suit your Blog, time, interests and your nature.

I like to think of search engines as my unpaid slaves, working for me 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If I have a week away with my family my visitors carried on receiving my lovely visitors every day. I LOVE free search engine traffic, don’t you?

Getting traffic to your Blog is a COLOSSAL topic. There have been many books written on just small aspects of it. This is just an introduction to the topic and will help you begin to gain visitors.

So Lets Begin!!!!


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