Recycled Halloween Wine Bottle

Scare the grapes right out of your guest with this amazing DIY wine bottle Jack-o-Lanterns craft.

If you have a few empty wine bottles (or soon-to-be-empty ones) just sitting around, you could carve them up just as easily (pun intended)

The cool thing about this project is that you don’t have to wait until the wine bottles are empty you van turn them into wine bottle Jack-o-Lanterns and then give them as gifts or take them to a Halloween party.

And if you’re using empty bottles, you could even drop a string of clear Christmas lights in the bottle and use them as the “candle” in the Jack-o-Lantern.


Your favourite wine.
Masking tape
X-acto knife
Spray paint. (Orange, Green)

Soak the bottles in a bucket of water for a little while and then peel and scrape off the soggy mess. This only took about 10-15 minutes,

Break out the masking tape! Put a large working are on the front of the bottle. The "front" here being the side facing you when the seams of the bottle are pointing to the side.

Also wrap a bit of tape around the top of the bottle to avoid painting the cork and lip of the bottle.

Use the Sharpie to draw some Halloween faces on the bottles. Have fun with this step, it's better to be loose and see what you make.

Use the X-acto to cut the edges of the faces you just drew. Make sure to get all the way around. Then just peel away everything else, being careful not to go too fast. You may have missed a spot and don't want to go back.


Break out the green spraypaint and spray the necks of the bottles. Wait a while, at least a day, before applying some masking tape over these to protect them for the next stage. Do it too early and the tape will pull off some of the paint when it's removed.

Now use the orange spraypaint and apply a series of light coats with 20 minutes in between to let each coat dry.

Once you're done, let the bottles dry for at least an hour before removing any of the tape.


Slowly remove all of the tape and you have some wine bottle jack-o-lanterns! While these bottles are dry to the touch they may still be a little tacky and smell like spraypaint. Let them fully dry for a few days, or even a week, before putting them out or giving them to someone else. 

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