15 Ways To Syndicate A Blog Post

So you have finally finished your article, written the SEO and make it search friendly down to each individual image. Unfortunately you cannot solely rely on SEO to make your article a big hit. More often than not your article needs an further push via blog promotion to bring your content directly to those who it is most relevant to. This may seem like more work, but you have actually done the majority of the work already. Now you just need to go where the readers are and promote your awesome and helpful content.

There are a ton of special interest groups gathering around the Internet and to quote the hunger games “the odds are in your favour”, or something like that. There will be more than a few groups dedicated to the topic your content focuses on. Assuming your content is interesting, helpful, and relevant the following are all great places that you can promote your content.

Facebook is the most popular social network out there. Since going public, potential to viral for free has been squeezed out, but as a paid tool it is still quite powerful. If you don’t have a Facebook budget, you still want to set up a free profile and post for branding purposes. Just don’t expect to get a large following without paying for it. 

Twitter is a microblogging network that allows users to send short 140 character SMS messages. It is a more open platform with anonymity that fosters a freer form communication. Additionally, the use of hashtags (#) allows you to amplify your message beyond your network of followers. 

Pinterest is ideal for content that lends itself well to visualization. How-to graphics linking back to original content is a great way to drive traffic to your content. Homemaking content does particularly well, as its user base is over 80% female. 

Google+ is an important social media tool because it has SEO benefits. While it has not become a widely accepted social network just yet, the “smart money” is already utilizing it. On that note – have you checked out my PROFILE yet? 

Google Groups is a searchable archive with over 700 million Usenet postings dating back 20 years. It’s a free-for-all with groups with groups for just about any topic.
Really Simple Syndication, also known as RSS, is an automatic that allows those interested in your blog to get automatic updates on your latest blog entries. 

Blogs (aside from your own) are a great venue for building relationships and promoting your own content. You can promote yourself via comments, guest posting, or reprinting of content.
Social Bookmarking is a variation on social networking that focuses less on an individual’s profile and more on content. Users can post or bookmark articles and up- or down-vote articles that have been posted. The three most popular sites are:

o Reddit

o Delicious

o StumbleUpon 

Your Personal Network: Aside from spreading the word about your latest blog or article through all the means above, you should share with your personal network via email and personal social media, as your personal network are your strongest supporters. 

Syndication Networks like Alltop and Outbrain can help your posts get some major traffic that it wouldn’t otherwise see. There are also blog sharing networks that can take your blog beyond the extent of personal outreach.

A little post-publishing promotion can take your article direct to the audience and get you some extra link love.

Start Spreading The Love…

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to engage in blog promotion. It can be overwhelming in the beginning so its best to start off small and experiment with different platforms. Stick with the platforms that have the most return on investment but don’t be afraid to circle back and try out new ideas on different platforms. 

Good luck promoting your blog!

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