Part 7 - 77 Ways to get more traffic to your blog for FREE

Traffic tip #61 

Add a classified ads section to your Blog.

It won't make you rich, but you can generate a little extra revenue as well as attract new visitors by adding a classified advertising section to your Blog.

Traffic tip #62

Social networking.

Some social networking Blogs, such as MySpace, have many millions of users and are growing fast. MySpace gets truly massive traffic - 23,347,811 unique visitors in June 2015, according to site analytics.

Because these Blogs have millions of users, you can guarantee that innovative affiliates are cashing in on this traffic.

Traffic tip #63

Create your own fan club.

Here's something which may work for Blogs in some industries.

With Google+ you can: 

· expand your audience

· Share publicly and build a following as people discover,

· +1 and reshare your posts with others around the world.

· Learn more about expanding your audience

Visit my Google+ profile for an example

Traffic tip #64

Effective PPC advertising.

Create special landing pages for your paid traffic.

If you're using tips No.1 and No.2 - providing lots of fresh, high quality content - there's a strong risk that your paid advertising visitors will be distracted by your free content. Too many of them are likely to click around, read a lot of stuff and disappear without buying anything, subscribing or even commenting.

If you're paying for traffic, you can't afford to let that happen. It's crucial that you have a high conversion rate.

So, for paid traffic, either create simple, uncluttered landing page with no distractions, or special mini-Blogs with no distractions.

You need to focus your visitors' attention on the link to the affiliate product or on the sign-up form for your newsletter or mini-course.

If your conversion rate is high enough, you can buy advertising on Google's AdWords, at Yahoo! Search Marketing, at MSN AdCenter and in pay-per- click search engines.

Among all the options, Google's AdWords is a big favorite. However, there are pitfalls aplenty.

If you get things right, AdWords works brilliantly. If you get things wrong, you can lose lots of money fast.

Traffic tip #65

Buy ads in newsletters.

People reading online newsletters are often speed-reading, not reading carefully, so you'll need a bold, eye-catching ad.

Instead of simply advertising your Blog, send people to a page where you offer a free report or mini-course in return for their email address.

Traffic tip #66

Buy text links - carefully!

Consider buying text link ads on other Blogs, for example from Linkadage or Text Link Ads. However, be aware that Google engineer Matt Cutts has made it clear in his blog that Google looks unfavorably on Blogs that buy text links.

Matt argues that anyone who is selling text links ought to place rel="nofollow" attributes in the links.

One option is to arrange link purchases directly with other Blogs and avoid making them look like bought links.

Even better, think of innovative ways of getting an article containing a link to your Blog published on another Blog.

Traffic tip #67

Advertise in less obvious places.

Look for other, less obvious places to advertise online. Experiment and see what happens.
If you have never used BlogAds before you will find Using BlogAds to Promote Your Web Blog useful

Traffic tip #68

Create free web-based software.

Create simple web-based free software, or publish one of these 21 Online Free Web Based Applications That You Probably Would Love To Use Every Day on your Blog

This is a fairly commonly tactic used by search engine optimization experts.

Traffic tip #69

Create downloadable software.

Create free downloadable software which contains links to your Blog, links to your newsletter, or affiliate links - or all three.
This is ideal if you have programming skills, personally I do not, so I like to google for applications that I can use. If you don’t have programming skills just use one of the 21 Online Free Web Based Applications as listed in Tip 68

Traffic tip #70

Get publicity for your downloadable software.

Submit your downloadable software to software directories, such as

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