Part 8 - 77 Ways to get more traffic to your blog for FREE

Traffic tip #71

Create a funny video - and a keyword-rich transcript.

Create your own video and upload it to Google Video.

This may be a lot easier they you think. One easy way is to use the video function on your digital camera, edit it using Windows Movie Maker and save the file in wmv format, which is one of the formats accepted by Google.

You can submit videos electronically to Google Video, as long as you own the necessary rights (including copyrights, trademarks, rights of publicity, and any other relevant rights for your content).

Incorporate your domain name in the video.

Get a few friends to link to your funny video from their blogs. If it's funny enough, other people will tell their friends, and so on...

Also, you can submit a transcript of your video to Google. Google says:

"Users will be able to find your video more easily if you add a transcript to each video file you've uploaded via your Video Status page. We prefer it if the format of the transcript is time-coded and saved as a .txt file."
You want to include appropriate keywords in your transcript – so make sure the keywords are spoken in your video.

At YouTube you can upload a video from your cellphone or PDA. You can "tag" the video with appropriate keywords.

You can use almost any video format.

Traffic tip #72

A signature file IS important - honest!

This tip is VERY basic, but apparently experienced marketers don't use it ALL the time.
Add a signature file to the bottom of EVERY email you send – to anyone.

Adding a signature file to every email...

1. Reminds people of the name of your Blog. It helps make your Blog memorable.

2. Gives people a link they can click on, makes it easy for them, and increases your chances of getting visitors.

3. Can tempt extra visitors, especially if you give them a reason for visiting, such as a new article or a free report.

I use Hotmail and Gmail. In both, you can set up multiple signatures and choose the one you want with just two clicks. Most of the time, I just use the default signatures - no extra clicks needed.

Make things easy for the people who receive your messages – and help make yourself memorable.

Traffic tip #73

Think viral. Where's your backend product?

If you write an ebook or report, add a viral marketing aspect to it.

For example, make your ebook "Volume One". Send readers to a page, forum or blog discussing Volume Two. Perhaps on that page you could place a simple survey, asking them what they would like to see in Volume Two. You could offer them a discount or a bonus special report if they tell a friend about Volume One.

Traffic tip #74

Email This Page to a Friend.

Add an "Email This Page to a Friend" link on your pages. A good programmer should be able to do this for you easily.

Traffic tip #75

Add to Favorites.

Place an "Add to Favorites" link on your pages. It may not get you much extra traffic, but every little bit helps.

Traffic tip #76

Start an affiliate program.

Start your own affiliate program and get hundreds or thousands of affiliates to spread the word about your product and your Blog.

Traffic tip #77

Make it easy for reporters to write about you.

Check your "About Us" page. Does it provide all the information a reporter needs to write about you - and up-to-date contact info so the reporter can contact you with questions?

Is your "About Us" page bland and boring? If so, dump it and create a new, lively, fascinating one.

Provide a complete media kit containing some fascinating snippets of info about your business.

What will you actually DO with the traffic?

Once you get more visitors, what will do with them? There's no sense in putting a lot of time and effort into attracting more visitors if they quickly leave without buying anything, subscribing or commenting

If you can increase your conversion rate just a tiny little bit, say from 1% to 2%, you'll DOUBLE your income. So think carefully about the impression your Blog creates and look for ways to improve it.

Also, consider the paths your visitors will take through your Blog. Picture them landing on ANY page. What will they see? Where are they likely to click next? Is that what you really want them to do?

Analyze each page. Which is the important link on the page? Can you make it look more enticing? Can you make it more prominent?

No matter which page they land on, you need to steer visitors in the direction of income-generating pages.

Set some goals

Now you've finished  reading, here's what I suggest you do...

Set yourself a goal of DOUBLING your Blog traffic. How long you're going to take is up to you.

Here's one way.

For the next 50 weeks, each Monday choose one of the techniques listed above, research it thoroughly, and put it into action. Keep this up for 50 weeks and I'll be absolutely amazed if all you do is double your Blog traffic.

Did you miss the last installment?

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