Tuna Can Traffic Lights

If you have visited my blog before you will be familiar with my love of recycling.

 So when I decorated my sons Lightening McQueen Bedroom this was a perfect opportunity to recycle some tuna cans and a photo frame that I had.

I found a frame that would comfortably fit 3 tuna cans inside.  Removed the glass, I will use this for another project no doubt.

 I Painted the cans, frame and the back plate of the frame with black gloss.

Whilst waiting for these to dry, cut circles out of red, yellow and green paper with my Big Shot (thank you hubby xx) I used a medium sided circle from the  X-cuts nesting dies, which fitted perfectly into the base of the can…..Honestly you would have thought they were designed especially for tuna can crafts hehehe….

Once the gloss had dried, I glued the card circles into the tuna cans so they did not fall out.

I hot glued the back plate to the frame, then I glued the cans onto the back plate of the frame.

Let the glue dry and, there you have it……..Tuna Can Traffic Lights

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  1. What a great recycling idea. Your traffic lights look fantastic. Ali x

  2. wonderful work! your education work rally appreciable.. thanks for post!
    led bulbs


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