Lightening McQueen Bunting/Banner

My son Luke is crazy about Lightening McQueen, no word of a lie we watch Cars and Cars 2 at least once a day.  I am almost word perfect with the films.

The banner was really simple to make. I started by cutting out 6 triangular pieces of brightly coloured card.

I drew out a speech bubble for each of the characters using Microsoft Publisher. Cut these out, glued on to contrasting card scraps left over from the triangles and cut around the speech bubbles leaving about 5mm of card showing, to make a border and popped them to one side.

I chose six of Luke’s favourite characters which were Lightening McQueen, Doc Hudson, Mater, Chick Hicks, Fred and Filmore.  These were printed onto white paper and cut out, glued on to the card scraps and put to one side.

Once again, using Publisher to make their quotes I used different fonts and colours that complemented the characters.  I have to agree with Allison, it was fun trying to find fonts that fit the character's personality.  I cut these out glued them onto the card.

Then it was a case of laying the triangles out and adding the speech bubbles, quotes and characters, arranging, rearranging and then glued them all together.

Once the glue had dried, I used a hole punch to punch two holes at the top so I could thread the blue ribbon through.

Sorry i do not have step by step pictures, but sometimes creativity just strikes me and away i go :)

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