DIY Driftwood Tutorial

Did you know that you can imitate nature?

Kirsten from Craftiments was creating a summer mantle and needed some driftwood, but after searching she figured that the price of purchasing and the shipping cost was just too expensive.

Luckily she has a background in chemistry, and was therefore able to use her knowledge to create this fantastic tutorial.

DIY Driftwood Tutorial by

- eye protection and rubber gloves
- sticks and small logs that are at least partially dry
- hammer, other tools that could be used for distressing the wood
- Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda (MSDS)
- hot water
- container large enough to hold the wood
- wire brush
- (optional) oven for drying the wood 
-  sandpaper or sander power tool

Now lets head over to  Kirsten at Craftiments for her amazing photographic step by step to turning regular looking wood in to amazingly beautiful drift wood.

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