CD Spindle Earring Stand - Tutorial

A very simple project to take the leftover stuff from a stack of blank CDs and make a stand to hold earrings.

Step 1 - Find a suitable CD stack spindle

The hardest part of this project is finding a suitable stack spindle.  This one had a stack of blank CDs stored on this spindle. There was also a plastic cover, but that did not come in useful for this project.  The spindle that held the blank CDs was quite nice, and the little plastic top that held the whole thing together screwed on nicely.

Obviously this won't work with just any spindle without some ingenuity. Hopefully whatever you have lying around can be made to work.

Step 2 - Drilling the CD

Start with the CD - Using a Dremel cutting tool, or a drill.

1) Clamp the CD firmly to a piece of wood. The wood will have a few dozen tiny drill marks in it when you are done, so do it on a piece of scrap.

2) Wear eye protection, as the plastic bits from the CD fly around a lot

3) I just eyeballed the hole placement, but you could neatly mark it with a felt tip pen. The holes are about 3 mm from hole centre to edge of CD

4) I would suggest drilling from the side that will be down when you are finished. i.e. the 'wrong side'. You will not get any clamp marks that way.

5) Drill holes all around the CD

Step 3 - Glue drilled CD to spindle top

First figure out where the CD and the top of the spindle are touching. There were relatively few contact points on mine. 

That influenced my decision about what glue to use, as I wanted to use a glue that would 'fill in' a little, and increase the area of the bond. 

Household glue was perfect. Epoxy would likely also work fine.

Once you have the glue on the spindle, place the drilled CD over the centre, and press firmly enough to bond.

Let dry overnight.

One assembled you can end the jumble of earrings on your dresser, and have all your lovelies neatly displayed and ready for action.

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