9 FREE Keyword tools to replace Google’s Keyword Tool

With Google has closing down their widely popular keyword tool for public use. (now it seems that if you want access to Google sanctioned keyword data you have to sign up for an Adwords account.) Luckily the internet is such an effervescent industry where innovation is central of most of what we do. So on that note lets take a look at the different tools available to replace Google’s Keyword tool. 1. Bing Webmaster Toolbox : Bing has a whole collection of tools of their own, including keyword tools. The data will be taken from Bing itself, which means that you should be able to make relative assumptions about keyword popularity. 2. SEMRush : I am not sure I can say enough about SEMRush. This tool is amazing tool in the fact that you can pretty much do any amount of research that is needed. It is great for competitive research as well as individual keywords. It is definitely worth checki...