Advent Christmas Tree Tutorial

Do you need an advent calendar for Christmas? 

Why not upcycle your used baby food jars and make an Advent Christmas Tree with your kids.


·         24 baby food jars

·         Ornaments

·         Beads to hang ornaments on

·         Assorted green & brown paper

·         Assorted number decals

·         Paint

·         Mod Podge

·         Hot glue gun

·         Cardboard

1. Paint your jars and lids. 21 green and 3 brown. I did this with the lids off, so the rim of the jar would get painted too. I used acrylic and it took a couple coats. Spray paint may be easier?? After the paint was dry I went over the jars with a coat of Mod Podge to add a little shine. Don’t worry about the lids- we’ll get them later

2. Cut out 21 green circles and 3 brown. You could use solid or patterned paper- or a mixture.

3. Mod Podge your paper circles onto the lids. Go ahead and coat the lid rim while you’re at it to give it a nice gloss.

4. Hot glue a little bead at the top of each lid, so you have something to hang the ornament on. Screw your lids on just enough to keep them on and then arrange your jars into a tree shape. Hot glue together starting at the bottom.

5. Wrap each ornament in tissue paper and fill the jars. I did presents and a rocking horse for the bottom 3 since they are under the tree and a star at the top.


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