Happy Birthday Luke - 3 Today

I cant believe it my little guy is 3 today, seems like only last year when he was crawling....how time flies..

Just thought I would introduce you to some of my absolutely amazing family

 My Gorgeous Little Guy

He has the temperament to match that fiery hair too...

My beautiful little Princess

 Lets try for a group shot...........no chance...

Cant believe we managed to get the kids still....

My Eldest Daughter......how beautiful she has grown up...

Andrew my other son who is 15 does not like his picture been taken, so Just want to say how handsome he has grown up too.

My husband was working this day, so I plan to go back and have a family portrait done, Note to Andrew.....YOU WILL BE ON IT xx


  1. Nice to meet your lovely family. I also have one with red hair and freckles but he is 35 now. Enjoy them as they grow up oh so quick.

  2. Thank you Carol, I cant believe just how quick these three years have gone already. Did your son also have the fiery temperament too lol


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