5 FABULOUS and EASY to make Advent Calendars

Here is my top 5 Easy to make Advent Calendars 

Make your own Advent calendar to help ease the anxiety of waiting for December 25.  The tutorial to make this fantastic tin advent calendar

This easy to make Matchbox advent is sure to be a winner

Rather make this beautiful muffin tin advent?  HERE is the amazing tutorial

I love this cute little bucket advent, not sure who will have more fun your child for getting the gifts or you for making it

Now there is no excuse not to be able to collect these materials to make this cool Loo Roll advent calendar

This is so easy and cheap to make, and so beautiful Christmas Tree Advent

There are so many beautiful and easy ways to create stunning and original advents calendars.  Why not post yours and lets see your advent ideas.....


  1. Oooh the little bucket calendar is verrrry pretty....

  2. Certainly beats the little chocolate window advents that kids are used to seeing these days :)


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