Hand Printed Mothers Day Bouquet

Here is a quick and simple gift you can make with the children for mothers day.

These can be made up in a matter of minutes and they dry very quick too so you can make them and take them the same day!

These bouquets are so easy to make, have your child put some paint on their hand, if you have more than one child then have each of them put a different coloured paint on their hands – maybe it’s best to do it one at a time, so there are not little paint prints all over the house 😊 Once they have paint on their hands put their hand print on the paper. Add some stems along with a little green ribbon bow.

You can write your message on top once the children have finished their printing.  

Also pop some little painted hearts in the background for some added interest.

These would also look cute on a long piece of paper showing each handprint as single flowers in a field.

If you don't have time to post these out for Mother's Day....take a picture and email or text your Mum a beautiful Bouquet!

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