Mod Podge Sunglasses

The sun has FINALLY arrived!!!!!!!!   

So, why not bling up those old glasses and give your self a designer look, for minimum cost.

All you need is mod podge, and paper, its so easy to do...

For Full instructions, please visit Mod Modge Rocks

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  1. Cute idea! I'm amazed I still have my sunglasses from last summer, because I also lose them constantly. My rule is that sunglasses can only be $20 or less, so I don't feel bad when they break or get lost :-)

  2. I love this idea! I really love cute sunglasses, so I'll be trying this for sure! I found you via the The Cure for the Common Monday link-up. I would love it if you would visit me {and follow me if you'd like} at! :)

  3. Great idea! I love cheap sunglasses!
    Thanks for linking up to The Cure for the Common Monday. Hope you stop by and say hello!

  4. This is such a clever idea! Love how simple it is to change them! Hope you will share with my Pink Hippo party @
    I am your newest follower~
    Amie @ Pinkapotamus

  5. I've just come across your blog via Handmade Monday and I'm having a great time reading your posts.I love this idea of decorating sun glasses-I'll be having a go I'm sure.Now I'm following to see more!

  6. This is so clever! I love the update! I wear prescription sunglasses, but this would be such a fun way to update the cheap dollar store shades I get for the kids. Thanks for linking up to The Creative Exchange!
    xo, Laura

  7. What a great idea!! This would be fun for kids glasses too.

  8. I curious more interest in some of them hope you will give more information on this topics in your next articles. occhiali ray ban new aviator


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