Zebra Print and paint Ottoman for only £1.00

I bought my ottoman over 18 months ago for a bargain of £1.00, it was tucked away in a corner of a car boot sale sale, piled up with goods on top, but it called to me....

The base was in pretty good condition, but as you can see the fabric was well.....it had seen better days.

There was paint on it and it was threadbare at the corners.  Not to mention it was a hideous colour....

So armed with 3 cans of spray paint,  ( which I had in the craft room, yes, my hording tendencies have paid off.) and some fabric I had left over from another project.  I set to work whilst the sun was shining and the kids were busy painting.

The base was sprayed, it took approximately 2 3/4 cans to cover.  Then I tacked the fabric onto the the top of the ottoman, to for a comfy seating area.

And here it is......

trying to take a picture of something with the kids about just does not happen in our house....

and when one does it............

so does the other :)

Now the hard part is to try and sneak it back into my bedroom...... will certainly go with my Wreath that I made


  1. Love this....your blog is awesome! I'm now following you on GFC. I'd love for you to come visit my blog sometime. Have a wonderful day!


  2. Thanks Marilyn.... i will pop over to see you now xx


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