Bottle Cap Pendant

So you want to make a bottle cap pendant.

You'll need: 

A heat gun or an old funky hairdryer
Bottle caps, un-pressed or not used
Something with a sharp point. 
Your cheap jewellery tools. I wouldn't use your nice ones for this.
A hammer
A mat- I use one of those self healing cutting mats intended for scrap booking.

Firstly, we are going to remove that plastic seal in the bottle cap. When you smoosh the cap you have less room to work with so we are going to make a little more by taking this out.

Grab your bottle cap with your pliers and heat that baby up with your hair dryer. Make it hot.

Carefully take your sharp instrument and peel back the plastic. Once I get it started good I grab hold of it with my pliers and pull. pull, pull. Some are harder than others. Sometimes it takes a second or third round of heating. Be careful! It's hot and don't stab yourself!

Here they are without those plastic seals.

Stop, hammer time. Oh, I crack myself up.

Place your bottle cap under the edge of your mat. I have tried placing them face up and face down. I prefer face up. It works both ways.

Hammer away with medium hammer force around the cap.

Check your progress. If you get too carried away it makes the centre of the cap dome. You don't want that. You want a nice flat cap to work with. This one needs a few more whacks.

Two smooshed bottle caps ready for some serious crafting.

Now you can craft up something like Smile Monsters

As with all the projects if you use it, try it, love it, I want to know all about it.


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