Recycled motor oil trolley to Plant holder

When I was moving house I needed a an electric cooker to just plug in an cook with until we had sorted out the kitchen in our new house, so I took my trusty laptop and popped in EBay, long story short I found a cooker and had a look at what other items the seller had, to see if there was anything of interest whilst we were driving there anyway.

Low, and behold I spotted this lovely little item

Yes it is an old oil trolley from a garage

And again yes, it is very rusty but I saw it, did not know what I would do with it, but I HAD to have it.

So we won the bid, went up to collect the items, and I forgot to mention to my hubby I had bought this.  Luckily our Purple Turtle as I call my hubbys car (FIAT Multipla) has loads of space in it when you remove the back seat.  My hubby eyed me up suspiciously when the guy brought this out too.  When we got back into the car I got a "and what do you intend to with that old thing?" , my response was "Not sure yet, but I had to buy it"  I wonder how many husbands hear that from us girls...

I thought about leaving it as it was and just fitting it in the garden some where for the shabby chic effect, but  I had some left over paint from building my recycling centre, and I thought I would give it a treat...

Its ideal for storing plants before the get planted

 You can see a fragment of the recycling centre in the the bottom right hand corner.

Well I hope you like it, although I don't feel that its finished yet, I think that metal plate at the top needs some decorating, with some sort of garden design, but I have not had that final flash of inspiration yet.

Suggestions are more than welcome


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