Plum and chocolate bread and butter pudding recipe

A wickedly delicious dessert with that ‘feel good factor’ that makes any meal special.  A great recipe for Valentine’s Day!

Serves:    2 People
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 40 minutes

3 slices of stale bread Spreading of butter or spread 2 eggs
2 teaspoons of sugar
150ml carton (small) of single cream 6 dark ripe plums
100g bar of dark chocolate

  1. Pre-heat the oven to 160°C.
  2. Butter the slices of bread on one side and cut into fingers. Grate the chocolate.
  3. Stone and cut up the plums and stew them for about 10 minutes until soft in a little water.
  4. Arrange layers of bread, chocolate and plumbs in a medium dish until it is full.
  5. In a jug beat up the egg, add sugar and milk slowly and stir in the cream last.
  6. Pour the mixture over the bread and leave to soak for 5 minutes.
  7. Sprinkle with a little more chocolate.
  8. Pop in the oven and cook for 30-40 minutes until pudding is set and bread crisp.

Flatten down the bread with a fork if required to soak up the mixture once the mixture has been poured on. Any chocolate is great but high cocoa content dark chocolate tastes best and has less calories.

Use up
Stale bread and fruit.

Try tinned, drained or dry prunes, or apricots, cherries or pears instead of plums. Any variety of berries can also be tried.

Extra flavour

Freezer advice
You can freeze the bread and butter pudding the day before you bake it to save assembly time, or freeze leftovers for a future dessert. For both, seal in an airtight container to keep the pudding from absorbing odours or developing freezer burn.

Vegetarian & vegan options
Suitable for vegetarians. Please use almond, coconut, hemp or soy milk if you are vegan.

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