Chicken Jambalaya Recipe

A delicious and nutritional way of using leftover chicken which, along with bread and vegetables, is one of the most commonly thrown away foods. The recipe makes a mid-week meal extra-special with its jumble of cooking influences.

Tasty and filling - and so easy to make! Just add in any veg you have left over from a meal - from peas and sweetcorn to roasted sweet potatoes. Peel the stringy bits from the celery before chopping to reduce the bitter taste. Even if you don’t have as much chicken as the recipe says, it still works well!

Serves: 4 People
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes

2 onions, peeled and sliced 2 sticks celery, sliced
1 green pepper, sliced 2 tablespoons of oil
100g mushrooms, sliced
400g (1 tin) chopped tomatoes 125ml chicken stock
125ml dry white wine 150g long grain rice
200-250g leftover chicken

Step by step:
Fry sliced onions, celery & pepper in oil till lightly browned.

Add mushrooms, tomatoes, stock, wine and rice.

Cook slowly 15-20 minutes until rice is soft, adding more stock or hot water as needed.

Dice chicken and add to mixture.

Heat through and serve.

Use up
Add cooked and uncooked vegetables, vegetables that need using.

The recipe can be used with other leftover meats, poulty or fish.

Extra flavour
Try adding a pinch of chilli or black pepper if you like spicy food.

Freezer advice
Not recommended for freezing. Use leftovers within 24 hours. Makes a great snack, cold for lunch the next day.

Vegetarian & vegan options
Try with tofu or vegetarian meat alternatives.

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