Sausage Hot dog Bites - Super Quick and Super easy...

My kids are super fussy when it comes to eating... They love pasta but don't like any sauce on it. One loves meat and not potato products , the other loves potato but not meat. But here is a super quick super easy recipe that they both agreed (which is not often) they loved.

How  long it takes: 
15 mins preparation, 
5 mins cooking time.

Items you’ll need:
250g quick-cook spaghetti
4 hot dogs each cut into 6 pieces
Use vegetarian sausages if required

Step 1
Pour boiled water into a large pan. Place on the hob and bring water to the boil again.
Thread 5-7 spaghetti strands through each hot dog piece.

Step 2
Put the hot dog spaghetti bites in the boiling water.
Cook the pasta (around 5 min for quick-cook spaghetti).

Step 3
Drain and serve, then enjoy!

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