Peacock Earrings Tutorial

I love peacock feathers, Did you know have been used for healing for tens of thousands of years in every culture throughout time? They are said to carry Spiritual Healing Energy that can be used to assist people seeking balance and harmony in their lives.


2 Peacock feathers
2 Closures
2 Earring findings
Needle-nose pliers
Darning Needle

Find two peacock feathers with the eyes similar in size.

Cut the eyes off of the peacock feathers, it is better to leave a little bit of the rachis (the feathers main shaft)

With the darning needed, piece a hole through the rachis, be careful not to damage the shaft.

Thread the closure through the hole in the rachis, then add the earring finding, remembering to make sure that the eye of the feather is facing the front of the finding.

Pinch the closure closed.....

and there you have it.....your own easy peasy peacock feather earrings.

If you like these you should check out the peacock feather necklace

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