Halloween Porch and Garden Decorations

I am sure you know by now....i love Halloween, it is my BEST time of the year....

Although here in the UK Halloween is catching on slowly, I wish we would embrace it like and friends in the USA.

There are so many amazing ideas out there I could turn this blog into a devoted Halloween blog...Don't worry I wont.

So I have had a REALLY hard time sorting my favourites out, there are so many to choose from, so here goes:

Totally Reinvented

From this to this.............


Kimn at Reinvented designed and created this stunning decoration for her porch. How fabulous is the contrast between the pumpkin colours and the black and white polka dots?  What a fresh new look to traditional orange/black Halloween colours.

Door Decor

Poundland Pumpkins - Cut them in half, spray and paint....Simples.....

Scarily Refreshing

Drink Cooler

The old watering hole provides plenty of drinks served up in pretty and practical pumpkin coolers. TIP: Line the pumpkin with heavy plastic or a bowl to keep melting ice from soaking through the pumpkin. 

Chicken??? Wire

outdoor halloween decoration dress silhoutte

How about placing some ghostly figures like these in your garden, made from chicken wire.

Mod Podge Boo-ed

There are a number of these mod-podge wooden letters scattered around the internet and on Pinterest.  But Amy from then she made  had made a fantastic tutorial.  Why not pop over and see how she made it?

Ribbon Topiary

Don't you just love the colours....this is so simple to do.  This is a simple take on the pink and black and zebra print ribbon wreath I made in January, instead of using insulation pipe, use a polystyrene large ball and stick.

Well, as we are going away tomorrow, I think I should go and pack.... So the final thought........

Time for a brew

I cant remember where I found this picture,  But I loved it so much I had to feature it.  If this fabulous creation is your, let me know and i will credit you.


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