Candy Cane Marshmallow Pops

Why is it that things taste better on a stick? All I know is that these marshmallow pops are yummy! They are also super easy to make and your wee little ones can help you. Eat these while sipping on some hot chocolate. Heck, plop one in your hot chocolate and use as a stir. Enjoy!


6 Candy Canes (crushed)
Lollipop Sticks
Large Marshmallows
Chocolate Chips (melted)
Rolling Pin or Food Processor (for crushing candy canes)

  • Start by placing a straw through the center of each marshmallow.

  • Place your candy canes or peppermints into a food processor and process into small pieces, or smash up with a rolling pin
  • Place your chocolate into a microwave safe bowl.  Microwave on high for 30-second intervals, stirring frequently, until melted.

  • Let the chocolate set for about 1 min, and then sprinkle with peppermint crumbs
  • Place in freezer until hardened.

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  1. They look yummy! Far too easy to eat tho from a stick Mich :)


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