Pinecone Carollers

These small-scale singers are poised to echo their joyous strains this holiday season. Total Time Needed: 1 Hour Materials Acrylic paints Capped acorns Hot glue 2 small twigs Small pinecone, between 1" and 2" tall Glue stick Small piece of photocopied sheet music Coloured construction paper Instructions To make your own tiny choir, first use acrylic paints to create faces on a collection of capped acorns and allow them to dry. Use hot glue to secure each acorn head and 2 twig arms to a small pinecone (ours were between 1 and 2 inches tall). For each songbook, use a glue stick to attach a small piece of photocopied sheet music to a rectangle of coloured construction paper. Give each book a centre crease, and then attach the music to the carollers’ hands with hot glue. If you enjoyed this craft, why not check out the pinecone topiary tree Photo courtesy of Family Fun