First Attempt at digital Scrapbooking

Hi Guys, Sorry I have neglected the blog for a while, i have been up to my eyeballs in uni work and household organisation, which is rather hard when both my husband and myself are HOARDERS, I am terrible I have a whole load of creative stash that i just hoard - you know save for that special occasion that you never get round to using the "saved materials" on because you buy some more....LOL. With the summer coming I have been on an organizing binge. I have de-cluttered my hall, living room, kitchen, the kids bedroom, the bathroom , the WC and we made a start on both the front and back gardens you can imagine mud everywhere, especially as the kids were running through the house to spend time with Dad in the back garden and Mum in the front garden, so cleaning took priority this morning. So I thought I would take an afternoon off from everything and have a go at scrapbooking. ...